About the Chamber

About the Chamber

About the Chamber

The Wickenburg Chamber is committed to enhancing the town’s quality of life through numerous programs. The Chamber attempts to fulfill its mission through the efficient running of various committees, including film, education, tourism, transportation, community development, governmental affairs, and special events.

The Chamber exists to be the catalyst for business growth, the convener for leaders and influences, and the champion for a stronger community.


  • Professionalism
  • Accountability
  • Community-Minded
  • Partnership-Oriented
  • Innovation
  • Dedication
  • Effectiveness
  • Exceptional Customer Service
Planning A Visit?
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Tourism Information

Our Members

Our members are the heart of our Chamber! Each year, the Chamber partners with Town Square Publications to produce the Out Wickenburg Way Membership Directory and Relocation Guide. This guide provides information on all things Wickenburg and it serves as the "face" we show to new Chamber members, the community, new residents, and visitors. The publication features information an all things Wickenburg and provides an exclusive advertising opportunity for member businesses.

View Directory

Membership Benefits

 Chamber membership has many benefits. Members gain exposure through the Chamber’s membership directory, monthly Business after Hours Mixers, participation in committee activities, and by attending the numerous seminars and quarterly luncheon meetings. Members are informed of Chamber activities through a weekly e-Blast, the Chamber’s Facebook page, The Hassayampa Alert monthly newsletter, and this website.

Most often, the Chamber is the first contact for visitors, new residents, and businesses coming into the area. Through public relations, the Chamber works closely with the Town of Wickenburg, hospitality members, and regional and state tourism agencies to provide valuable information.

We respond to thousands of telephone calls, letters, email inquiries and walk-in visitors who want relocation and tourism information. Membership in the Chamber offers an opportunity to be part of an organization dedicated to promoting growth and creating an economically sound future for Wickenburg – a great place to live, work and play!
More Member Benefits
Already A Member?
Download our Proud Member logo here! Display it on your website, email signatures, or on any materials you’d like to share!

West Valley Chambers of Commerce Alliance

The Wickenburg Chamber of Commerce is a proud member of the West Valley Chambers of Commerce Alliance (WVCCA). View the Business Priorities of the 2023 Legislative Session.

2023 Business Priorities

The WVCCA has published the 2023 Legislative Scorecard. This scorecard details the positions of the Alliance on legislation during the 2023 Regular Session. The back of the card describes each bill.

View Scorecard

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The Santa Fe Depot

Built in 1895, the historic Santa Fe Depot is an important landmark in downtown Wickenburg.

In 1982, Wickenburg Town Council voted to temporarily move the depot while the town decided what to do with the building. However, the move never happened. A year later, in 1983, a part of our history was saved by the Round Up Club (Wickenburg Chamber), the Town of Wickenburg, and local residents George & Vi Wellik.

Today, the 130-year-old landmark still stands in its original location on Frontier Street. The building is now home to the Wickenburg Chamber of Commerce offices and the Wickenburg Visitor Center.

216 N. Frontier Street, Wickenburg, Arizona

Phone: (928) 684-5479

Visitor Center Hours:

Monday - Friday: 9:00am to 5:00pm

Saturdays - 10:00am to 2:00pm

Currently closed on occasional weekends and major holidays.

Business Opportunities

Keeping your business visible is one key to business success, and The Chamber has several ways you can increase that visibility. They include Quarterly Luncheons, Business After Hours mixers, Coffee and Contacts, and hosting opportunities for Chamber University seminars, and much more.

If you are interested in hosting one of the following events, please contact Chamber staff at 928-684-5479 or events@wickenburgchamber.com.


Business After Hours Mixers are held monthly at a member business. Mixers provide a networking opportunity for members to get to know others in our community. Hosts receive pre-event promotion on our website, in our weekly Chamber Connection email, and on our social media pages.


Quarterly Luncheons are held four times each year. Quarterly Luncheon hosts and sponsors receive pre-event promotion, company logo placement in our newsletter and on Facebook, material handout on tables, and time on the agenda to share your business information.

Coffee and Contacts

Business Over Coffee is a morning networking opportunity held every three months. Hear from speakers in various sectors and get updates from businesses around town! Members also have the opportunity to share information about their business.

We value your membership and look forward to seeing you at the upcoming events! Remember to shop local and with a fellow chamber member!

Join us for our Chamber programs and events. Check out our calendar of events here.

Don't forget to register or RSVP for our programs and seminars. Please call us with any questions at 928-684-5479.

Create commerce!

Thank you for your membership!

Be sure to check out the organizations below. Check out their events and programs on the community calendar, and tell them the Chamber sent you!

Wickenburg Chamber of Commerce is a firm believer in collaboration. Our community alliance are organizations who share a similar mission, vision or community with us. We are pleased to have the following organizations as chamber members, and our community alliances.

American Legion Post 12

American Red Cross

Cops Who Care

Desert Caballeros

Friends of Hassayampa, Inc.

Friends of Music Committee, Inc.

Friends of the Wickenburg Public Library

General Federated Woman’s Club-Morristown

Habitat for Humanity, Inc.

Hassayampa River Preserve

Humane Society of Wickenburg

K9 Konnection

Knights of Columbus Council #9838

Las Senoras de Socorro

Local First Arizona

National Senior Pro Rodeo Association

Project SALT

Standing Stones Retreat Center

Town of Wickenburg

United Wickenburg Firefighters Local 4651


Vulture Peak Patchers - Wickenburg Quilt Show

Wellik Senior Center

Wickenburg Art Club

Wickenburg Athletic Boosters

Wickenburg Breast Cancer Network

Wickenburg Children’s Cultural Organization

Wickenburg Community Hospital Foundation

Wickenburg Community Services Corp

Wickenburg Conservation Foundation

Wickenburg Dark Sky Association

Wickenburg Desert Stagers

Wickenburg Dog Park

Wickenburg Ducks in a Row Foundation

Wickenburg Elks Lodge #2160

Wickenburg Gem & Mineral Society

Wickenburg Horsemen’s Association

Wickenburg Library Society, Inc.

Wickenburg Lions Club

Wickenburg PTA

Wickenburg Quilt Show

Wickenburg Rotary Club

Wickenburg Saddle Club

Wickenburg Sportsmen’s Club

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